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Data Freelancer Q&A Call is happening in 3 days
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The goal of this group is to help you navigate the complex and rapidly evolving world of data science and artificial intelligence. This is your hub to stay up-to-date on the latest trends, learn specialized skills to turn raw data into valuable insights, connect with a community of like-minded individuals, and ultimately, become a Data Alchemist. Together, let's decode the language of data and shape a future where knowledge and community illuminate our way. Rules - Don't sell anything here or use Data Alchemy as any kind of funnel - We delete low effort community posts, and posts with poor English. Proofread your post first. - Help us make the posts high quality. If you see a low quality post, then click on the 3 dots on the post and "Report To Admins". Start by checking out these links - Classroom - Introduction - Roadmap - Contribution Be Aware of Scammers - Please be aware that this is a public group. Unfortunately, some people abuse the Skool platform to send DMs or post comments to trick people. This is the internet, so always do your own due diligence. Never automatically trust someone here on the Skool platform other than @Dave Ebbelaar's official account. To kick things off, please comment below, introducing yourself. Let us know: 1. Your name and where you're from 2. What project(s) you're currently focused on See you in the comments!
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New comment 54m ago
Unlock New Courses at Level 3 📈🔐
Hey everyone, I just completed a new course for you: "Data Science Accelerator". This course will be unlocked, together with "Building Applications with LLMs" at level 3. How to level up? Just interact with the group, get likes and comments, and watch your level go up!
New comment 19h ago
Jokes and Puns??
This might be silly, honest, how long (as a newbie) until I start to understand data/AI/coding jokes and puns?? And, is anyone willing to comment a favorite industry joke or pun here so I can see if I get it yet?? And if I don't, then I will keep learning and see if I get it later! Because right now, this is me:
New comment 8h ago
Your thoughts on continuing from here and onto Data Freelancer?
I've be wondering what others think of the other Dave's course, Data Freelancer. I joined this one without knowing about the Freelancing part. It does sound interesting, though. What are your thoughts on that, are you doing Data Alchemy with intention to continue to Data Freelancer, or just so, on it's own?
New comment 12h ago
How to run AI Locally on Your Laptop
OpenAI has some really nice APIs, but you have to pay for their service. It's the easy way. But, I wanted to run LLMs locally on my laptop. That way, I had much more control and could write code to learn more about how to make thing work. Here's how I did it. 1. Download and install Ollama, It runs on Mac (ARM, M1, M2, etc.) or Linux. Not Windows yet, but WSL should work. 2. Check out the models they have, 3. I've had good luck with the mistral model. Go to your command line and type ollama run mistral. There you go. Right on your laptop—your own LLM experience. There's a lot more I could add. If this is interesting, please send me a Like and ask your questions.
New comment 13h ago
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